Developer Guide

Galaxy Tool Generator consists of two Drupal modules: galaxy_tool_generator_ui and galaxy_tool_generator. The galaxy_tool_generator_ui is responsible for the UI design of the web application. The galaxy_tool_generator creates a list of web form components that map to the Galaxy Tool XML components defined here. Developers can contribute to this application by creating new web form components for newly added XML components by the Galaxy project team. This guide assumes you know the basic of Drupal module development and are familiar with the Drupal Form API.

Develop Web Form Component

Step 0: choose a good component name

The component name should reflect the XML component structure. Below are a few examples showing the relationship between web component name and XML component:

  • XML component: tool – webform component name: tool
  • XML component: tool->requirements – webform component name: tool_requirements
  • XML component: tool->requirements->requirement – webform component name: tool->requirements->requirement

Step 1: define a new webform component

Add component definition into the hook_webform_component_info() in the .module file, for example:

$components['tool'] = [
    'label' => 'COMPONENT_NAME',
    'features' => [
      'group' => TRUE,
    'file' => 'components/',

Step 2: declare a form for editing webform component attributes

Add a case entry to the galaxy_tool_generator_form_webform_component_edit_form_alter() in the .module file, for example:


You will need to replace COMPONENT_NAME in the code block with the actual component name.

Step 3: define the form for editing webform component attributes

Step 3.1: utilize file

  • Using the components/ as a template to create component a

file and place it within ./components/ folder. Replace COMPONENT_NAME in the file name with actual component name.

  • Replace component_template with component name
  • Fill in the fieldset_title argument value in the following code chunk:
function _webform_render_component_template($component, $value = NULL, $filter = TRUE, $submission = NULL) {
  return get_comp   onent_render_array('component_template', $component, $fieldset_title = '');

Step 3.2: specify Galaxy Tool XML tag

Replace xml_tag in the following code chunk with actual Galaxy Tool XML tag:

 * Implement edit command function.
function edit_component_component_template(&$form) {

  $form = array_merge($form, get_edit_component_base_form_elements($form, 'xml_tag'));

  // form field to edit attributes, available attributes for command includes:
  $form['extra']['attributes'][''] = [];

  // grab populated data from 'extra' column from webform_component table and
  // fill it as default values for edit component form fields.

Step 3.3: edit form elements for xml tag attributes.

Below is the form definition function for creating the form of editing webform components. Edit this function to create form elements for each XML attributes.

 * Implement edit command function.
function edit_component_component_template(&$form) {

  $form = array_merge($form, get_edit_component_base_form_elements($form, 'xml_tag'));

  // form field to edit attributes, available attributes for command includes:
  $form['extra']['attributes'][''] = [];

  // grab populated data from 'extra' column from webform_component table and
  // fill it as default values for edit component form fields.